The project “Innovative Methodologies and PRactices on VET” (acronym “IMPROVE“) is carried out under the ERASMUS PLUS KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS FOR VET program.
The Second Transnational Project Meeting took place in London (Brixton) United -Kingdom.
Toinen hanketapaaminen toteutettiin Lontoossa, Iso-Britanniassa. Brixton on elävä kulttuurikeskus Lontoossa, joka on tunnettu muun muassa monipuolisesta taide-elämästä ja musiikkitarjonnastaan.
Isäntäorganisaationa toimi Find An Internship (FAI)
Ajankohta: 21.7.-23.7.20119
Tavoitteet: hankkeen työsuunnitelman päivittäminen, tavoitteiden tarkentaminen, aikataulun määrittäminen.
Osallistumistodistus: todistuksen osallistumisesta myönsi Find An Internship (FAI). Brixton Village or enjoyed a drink with local residents outside the Ritzy cinema. And for those in search of a party, Brixton’s famous live venues, including the Brixton Academy and Hootananny, draw in the late-night crowds.
Second Transnational Project Meeting
Venue: Brixton (UK)
Hosting Organisation: Find An Internship (FAI)
Date: 21-07-19 to 23-07-10 (21st Arrival – 23rd Departure)
Participants: 1 Staff member per organisation ( 5 partners).
Goal and Activities: Discussion on the development of Intellectual outputs, presentation of outcomes, the establishment of new activities and deadlines against Gantt Chart and action plan.
Lunch in a local restaurant
After a productive morning meeting, we all had a wonderful Lunch At Nandos. A South African restaurant chain, specialising in peri-peri style chicken dishes.
Certificate of Attendance Issued
At the end of the meeting, a certificate of attendance was delivered by Find An Internship (FAI)
Once again, the meeting was very informative and all the partners were really engaged in the meeting process.
The Third Transnational Meeting Project will take place in Caserta (IT) in October and will be hosted by Informamentis Europa. We will keep you updated in due course. If you have any questions please drop us a line or
For more information about the project (IMPROVE) please visit the site and follow us on Facebook.